RENT Magazine Q2 '24


FLASH SHELTON, THE SQUATTER HUNTER Known as the ‘Squatter Hunter,’ Flash Shelton has garnered attention for his relentless pursuit of justice in reclaiming properties overrun by squatters, and has been featured on CNN, CBS, Fox News, and the Los Angeles Times. Shelton’s initiation into this realm was not by choice but by circumstance. “Unfortunately for me, it started in 2019, after my dad passed away,” he revealed. “In my situation, I moved my mom in with me to basically be able to sell her house... I discovered that people had broken in the back door of her house. When the deputy arrived, he said, ‘There’s a house full of furniture. It appears as though you have squatters and there’s nothing I can do. It’s a civil matter.’ Those are just horrifying words for homeowners.” This encounter spurred Shelton into action. Armed with his knowledge of squatter laws and rights, he devised a plan to reclaim his mother’s property. “I got there around 4:00 a.m. and noticed three cars in the driveway...After the squatters left, I secured the back door and started putting up cameras and a Ring alarm system,” he recounted. He had his mother put him on a lease agreement, making him a legal tenant. With video evidence, the lease, and a confrontation with the squatter, Shelton successfully ousted the squatters within a day. Today Shelton has helped dozens of property owners do the same and he is building a team of Squatter Hunters to help more people across the country. Shelton emphasized the importance of

tailored strategies. “Every situation is different... I start every process with a Zoom consultation... Anything that the homeowner can share with me is helpful,” he explained. From conducting surveillance to orchestrating squatter interventions, Shelton’s approach is multifaceted and adaptable. Acknowledging the limitations faced by individual landlords, Shelton underscored the need for preventive measures and expert intervention. “Landlords need to be very careful...Never try to do it on your own,” he cautioned. Stressing the importance of legal reform, Shelton advocates for clearer legislation to combat squatter encroachments effectively. He has already been a major influence in the enactment of Florida’s newest law that permits landlords to ask law enforcement to remove a squatter that refuses to leave the property. In addressing common mistakes landlords make, Shelton emphasized the necessity of treating squatters as tenants. “Landlords need to treat a squatter like a tenant... If it’s illegal to do it to a tenant, it’s illegal to do it to a squatter,” he warned, emphasizing the legal intricacies involved. As the interview drew to a close, Shelton expressed gratitude for the opportunity to champion property rights. “You know, this all started because I was just trying to be a good son, and now I’m just trying to be a good American,” he remarked humbly.


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