RENT Magazine Q2 '24

While more traditional methods, such as flat fees or equal splits, offer simplicity, they lack fairness and precision. Enter Ratio Utility Billing Systems (RUBS), an ideal solution for a fair and streamlined billing process. Less-than-seasoned housing providers may share a laundry list of negatives they’ve heard regarding RUBS. Check out these common misconceptions of housing providers surrounding Ratio Utility Billing Systems that we are here to debunk. There is no question that Ratio Utility Billing Systems are a benefit to housing providers. Regardless, conversations around RUBS among uninformed housing providers can lead to confusion and misconceptions regarding Ratio Utility Billing Systems. UNRAVELING UTILITY BILLING MYTHS AMONG HOUSING PROVIDERS



The right RUBS system can factor in square footage, occupancy and more so that billing is both transparent and fair. Residents should be able to see how their bills are calculated and why the bill is what it is. Housing providers can also offer a “goodwill deduction” for any reason, including for a resident who has concerns about subsidizing other residents unfairly.

A concern among housing providers is that RUBS might not be perfectly fair. Residents who conserve utilities like water might end up subsidizing those who use more. This can lead to frustration and disputes. Explaining the logic behind the formula can be an uphill battle in the eyes of a housing provider. Residents in well-maintained units with newer, more efficient dishwashers and low-flow showerheads might feel they’re subsidizing those who use more water, creating tension between residents and potentially leading to finger pointing and resentment toward the housing provider.


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