RENT Magazine Q2 '24

Alexandra (AAOA):

Tell us a bit more about the InvestHER Con event. What are some of the special things that you have going on during those few days for women?

Liz Faircloth:

We like to say it’s not a traditional conference. It’s a transformational event where from beginning to end, women will feel very taken care of from the food, mindful breaks, and networking conversations to sponsor selection. The companies that will be there have been vetted and are meant to help investors with the important resources they need. We also have 30 speakers that will obviously cover real estate investing but also business and self-care, our three pillars. Our theme is “taking control of your financial future”. Kathy Fettke is going to be talking about the economy, the real estate market, and international investing. Terri Cole will be discussing boundaries because that’s part of taking control of your financial future, especially for women, right? Kim Kiyosaki is one of our keynotes. She’s going

to be talking not just about her real estate and entrepreneurship, but also reinventing herself and what that journey looks like. Then we have some amazing breakout sessions scheduled, including a really cool session called “Deal or No Deal”. Our facilitator, Anna Kelley, is a phenomenal investor and she’s going to be giving everyone deals to analyze in teams to get real life practice. I’m also going to be leading a panel on alternative investing with women specializing in the stock market, laundromats, self-storage, and virtual assistant companies. After the conference, we will do a 30-day post- accountability call to encourage the attendees to continue to take action after they get back to their everyday life.


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