RENT Magazine Q1'25

As an asset protection attorney, I’ve seen firsthand how failing to implement proper safeguards can lead to financial ruin for property owners. One particularly striking case underscores the critical importance of comprehensive asset protection and insurance coverage. THE HIGH COST OF NEGLECTING ASSET PROTECTION FOR RENTAL PROPERTY OWNERS CASE STUDY

THE MOLD LAWSUIT THAT CHANGED EVERYTHING A woman and her young child lived in a rental property owned by a real estate investor we’ll call “Mr. Landlord.” For a time, everything appeared to be going smoothly until the tenant began experiencing respiratory issues. The child’s health deteriorated, and both mother and child faced frequent medical visits and treatments. The tenant claimed the mold problem in the rental property was the cause of their ailments.

Seeking compensation for their medical expenses, lost wages, and the emotional toll, the tenant hired an attorney on a contingency fee basis. The case escalated quickly. Despite Mr. Landlord’s attempts to argue that he had no prior knowledge of the mold problem, the court ultimately sided with the tenant.


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