RENT Magazine Q4 '21

HOW TO PROTECT YOUR APARTMENTS FROM THE LEADING CAUSE OF FIRES: COOKING FIRES Preventing apartment fires depends on the actions of every resident, but as the apartment building owner, the responsibility ultimately rests with you. Apartment fires can spread quickly if not suppressed immediately, and they account for 10 percent of residential fire-related deaths in the U.S. Cooking is the leading cause of apartment fires, and those fires usually are the result of an unattended stove. That’s why fire extinguishers don’t always work, but an automatic kitchen fire suppression system, such as StoveTop FireStop, does. REDUCING THE RISK OF FIRE THERE ARE MANY WAYS THAT YOU CAN REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRES WITHIN YOUR BUILDING:

Regularly inspect the electrical lines to look for damaged or frayed lines that could create sparks and cause a flame. It’s also important to remind tenants not to overload outlets with adapters or to use extension cords as a permanent solution - particularly under carpeting or rugs. Make sure fireplaces are cleaned out at least once every season to prevent the accumulation of potentially flammable chemicals.

Prohibit smoking in your building, and do not allow residents to grill on their balconies. Make sure you have a written policy on the use of candles, which includes keeping candle fixtures away from flammable materials, such as curtains and bedding. Inspect shrubbery around the building - especially during dry seasons - to make sure it isn’t dry, which makes it easier to catch fire.

Even when taking such precautions, the risk of fire still exists. That makes it critical to ensure that every apartment unit is properly equipped to help suppress fires when they break out.

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