RENT Magazine Q4 '21

HOW TO TRANSITION FROM SINGLE FAMILY TO MULTIFAMILY INVESTMENTS Like many people, the idea of owning rental property is a dream - one you think about for years before finally pulling the trigger. Then you finally do it. YES! First rental property is in the books. A nice little single family home that produces some cash flow.

Then maybe the next year you get another, then another. And you start realizing that it’s pretty cool to be able to say you own real estate. YOU are taking care of your future, not leaving your survival up to the government or an employer’s pension management company. You feel empowered. But you start realizing that the cash flow is marginal at best. You start looking around and notice Facebook groups that seem to

focus on multifamily real estate. Hmm, more doors under one roof. On a per unit basis, they’re actually less expensive. So, you start looking into it and realize that there’s a significantly higher amount of cash flow when you start adding multiple units under one roof. But you’re not really sure how to make that transition from single family home investing to multifamily investing. You seek knowledge and information from various

sources - podcasts, YouTube videos, and articles. It can feel pretty overwhelming and confusing. Then add in the prospect of moving into 5+ units, which is now considered commercial real estate and you really start worrying about whether you can make the transition. It’s an entirely different

ballgame when you start investing in apartments.

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