RENT Magazine Q3 '21

feels from COVID are side effects rather than symptoms of a more fundamental problem. That is to say, the underlying value that got you into the business is there, and the market will recover. In the meantime, take advantage of the online tools at your disposal, be on the lookout for bargains, and understand the importance of keeping communication open with your tenants. Effective tenant communication can help you survive in not just this but any market.

View the full Innago Survey

David Spooner Co-Founder Innago Property Management Software (513) 964-0172

Dave Spooner is a co-founder of Innago, a property management software designed to simplify life for small to mid-sized landlords. He has been involved in the real estate technology space since 2013, working to enhance the way landlords and tenants communicate. In addition to his expertise in content marketing, Dave utilizes his experience with management and entrepreneurship to help landlords achieve sustained success.

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