RENT Magazine Q2 '24

HOW TO PREVENT A SQUATTER ISSUE While some states like Florida, Georgia, and Alabama are taking steps to address squatters through criminal law, the burden of dealing with squatters still largely falls on property owners who must navigate the formal eviction process. Though there’s a growing call for more specific laws to combat squatters nationwide, proactive measures to prevent squatting remain crucial. the premises after his son died, the squatter moved in more of her furniture. “She thinks she owns the house and speaks to me as if she is entitled to live there,” Don says. Don’s attempts to seek assistance from law enforcement were met with frustration and disillusionment. “The police say their hands are tied,” he recounts. He has gone through the formal eviction process in Illinois and now finally, after 5 months, the case will be heard. “This blindsided me... I just can’t believe they would pass laws that help criminals,” he reflects. “MY SON DIED, AND HIS ROOMMATE TOOK OVER THE PROPERTY.” While grieving the loss of his son in December 2023, AAOA member Don found himself facing a new tragedy as a squatter conned her way into his property, claiming entitlement to his home. “I have a squatter right now,” Don reveals, his voice heavy with frustration and despair. “She wasn’t a tenant... She conned her way in and slept on the couch, claiming to help my son in his last days,” he recounts, detailing the insidious tactics employed by the squatter to gain access to his property. Despite repeated promises to vacate

Don and his son Tony.

Tony’s house where the squatter remains to this day.


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