RENT Magazine Q2 '24

FINANCIAL / TAX • Green Zip ® drywall partitions are now expensed in one year under the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act as opposed to being depreciated over 27.5 years (residential) or 39 years (commercial). This includes the cost of interior drywall and studs; glass; doors, frames, and hardware; paint; and utilities related to the demountable drywall. • In 2008 the IRS Commissioner issued a Final Determined Letter stating Green Zip Movable Partitions are Section 1245 Personal Property. • In 2014 the IRS published a Private Letter Ruling which concluded that “zip type partitions are tangible personal property for depreciation purposes” • In 2018 Green Zip passed a routine audit of a hotel and apartment developer without any adjustments. Green Zip has never failed an audit. • Accelerate Depreciation by Reclassifying Assets • Increase cash flow even for merchant builders • $10 - $15+ / square foot Net Benefit in first year • Winner: ARCHITECT Magazine R+D Award NEW CONSTRUCTION / RENOVATION • Green Zip ® drywall partitions are exactly like normal drywall except for the patented self-adhesive mesh Green Zip ® joint tape

• Can speed drywall installation by a factor of four; twice as fast as a Bazooka gun with fewer workers. • Reduces remodel material and labor costs • Re-use of materials already on-site

• Easy access to internal components of the partition ENVIRONMENTAL / LEED • Mitigate dust, noise and work disruption of demolition • Mitigate mold remediation and litigation • Comply with local landfill diversion and green building requirements; Divert tons of drywall from landfills

• Reduce green house gases and carbon footprint • Winner: EPA Best Building Component Award

Referred By: Tony Bonafacic

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