RENT Magazine Q2 '24

Alexandra (AAOA):

Many women don’t really have the confidence to invest in real estate and may have sat on the sidelines for a long time. What do you believe are the main factors contributing to the confidence gap in investing among women?

Liz Faircloth:

Yes, it’s interesting because you don’t always realize that when you think of an investor, you think of a white man on Wall Street. I hate to say it, but that’s the traditional viewpoint that people have when they think of an investor. When Andressa Guideli, the co-founder of InvestHER Con, and I would be partnering on deals, we’d go to conferences and feel like we were the only women there. People would ask if we were there with our husbands. So, we really wanted to shift that trajectory not just for us, but for other women. Fidelity Investments did some research and showed that women are very confident about managing money. 67% felt

confident managing everyday financial tasks such as paying bills and budgeting, but far fewer women felt confident about investing. Only 29% of the women reported feeling confident in investing for short-to-medium-term goals, and just 19% felt confident in selecting investments that align with their long-term goals. So why is there a drop-off? I think it matters when you’ve seen other women in your world doing something that you’re going to do. I think it’s as simple as that. Listen to what women are talking about. Then go over to the men’s circle and hear what they’re talking about. It’s different.


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