RENT Magazine Q2 '24

Janet Reno was the US Attorney General and an environmentalist who knew the dangers of hydrogen sulfide. As difficult as it is to move through the government process, she was a tremendous advocate helping us get this through the Senate and into law. She argued, “We are better off giving the taxpayer a little benefit now rather than having the government pay to clean it up later.” Finally, one of our Fortune 50 clients requested a pre-file audit by the IRS to get a ruling before filing. They paid a hefty sum ($75,000) for the audit. Expecting to put together 12 feet of wall for the GZT test, the inventor was surprised when the IRS brought in over twenty rolls of competitive tape. He explained that he just needed to prove his wall worked. The IRS disagreed. They wanted all the tapes tested, so they built hundreds of feet of wall. Not only was Greens Zip Tape™ approved, but every other tape failed and was rejected. That turned out to be a fortuitous event. It’s not often that the IRS gives its stamp of approval, but in this case, they did – and that speaks volumes. Subsequently, they issued a Final Letter of Determination to back that up. THE IRS RULING ON GREENS ZIP TAPE TAX BENEFITS


So, there you have it – Green Zip Tape™ isn’t just tape, it’s a symbol of innovation, sustainability, and profitability. It’s proof that making a difference can also enhance your bottom line. And with legislative changes on the horizon, the future looks even brighter for GZT and all the eco-warriors out there. I was impressed and think you will be too. Click here for more information or click here to schedule a 15-minute discussion to find out how much you can shave off your federal income tax bill.

TONY BONIFACIC National Account Representative Cost Segregation Services (800) 344-7671

As a former accountant Tony has been involved as a financial manager, sales manager, administrator, accounts receivable consultant, and trainer for thousands of clients. He has saved millions for his clients including everyone from mom and pops to NYSE companies. In 2007 he began promoting cost segregation to his clients and new contacts. Today he devotes all his time and his representatives’ time to cost segregation.


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