RENT Magazine Q4'23

Adding PayRange to your laundry machines can reduce the need for quarters while improving satisfaction and increasing revenues. Plus, PayRange offers loads of payment options for apartment laundry. From 100+ store gift cards with balances that can be used, to earning free credits in the PayRange in-app Marketplace, plus crypto currencies, “Buy Now, Pay Later” options, and, in select states, EBT users can even access those funds in-app for laundry. Not to mention Credit, Debit and ACH/Checking. When customers have access to more funds, they spend more! Allow Tenants to Discover More Ways to Pay for Laundry It’s like finding quarters in the couch cushions!

Only $49.95 per machine!

PayRange BluKey Pro for Laundry

Trusted by over 5 MILLION USERS!

Order Now!


*Terms and conditions apply. PayRange is a trademark of PayRange Inc. Patent 8856045 and other Patents Issued and Pending. © 2022 PayRange Inc.

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