RENT Magazine Q3 '22

How do you choose at which restaurant you want to eat? Do you prefer a place that offers a prix fixe menu with one price? Or do you like to pick and choose from an a la carte menu with a separate charge for each item? TENANT SCREENING MUST-HAVES: PRE-SET VS. A LA CARTE

Ordering a credit report and background screening for your applicant from the American Apartment Owners Association (AAOA) can be compared to ordering dinner at a fine restaurant. You can choose to order a package with a pre-set group of reports for a single price or you can select from the ala carte menu to receive just the individually-priced reports that cover your situation. Conscientious landlords are aware of how important it is to screen their applicants in order to find the one who most closely matches their list of qualifications for an ideal tenant. Below we cover how to determine which options are best for you.


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