RENT Magazine Q4 '22


Street Tip #2

5. Have the town periodically check the meters for malfunction. 6. Check the timing for irrigation to see how many times a day the sprinkler system is on and inspect the irrigation system for leaks, especially in freezing and extremely cold temperatures. 7. Insulate pipes for sprinkler systems or hot and cold water all year round. 8. Check the pool for leaks. Ask how many times a week the staff needs to add water to the pool. 9. Schedule an annual plumbing inspection. This can inform you of signs of wear and tear to pipes, equipment, etc. so you can be aware of any potential future issues. 10. Extensive landscaping requires a large consumption of water usage. A partial solution is to use Xeriscape. 11. Many companies offer affordable technology so owners and property managers can monitor their property’s water use in real-time by logging in with any internet-accessible device.

Have maintenance staff put a few drops of food coloring

or dye in the tank and wait about a minute. If the color can be seen in the bowl, then there is a leak.

3. Have management notify tenants in advance that the water will be shut off for a two-hour period. Turn the water off and check the meter readings, then check the meters again after the two-hour period. The meter readings should read the same as before the shutoff. If the reading changed, there are probably water leaks. 4. Install water saving devices, such as new low- flush toilets, more efficient showerheads, and aerators in the kitchen and bathroom faucets. These efficient devices can save approximately 15% - 20% of water and sewer costs. Many states and cities offer water conservation programs which provide free toilets and fixtures to owners who are then responsible for the labor cost to install them.


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