RENT Magazine Q1 '22

Investment properties are a little different, especially if they’re multifamily apartment buildings. They don’t sell as quickly as single family homes, but we have the capability of immediately reaching our built-in base of investors that we know are constantly looking to expand their portfolio. An amazing property can come up for sale in Boise, for example. We have a very easy ability to reach out to all of our members in that area. We have our

magazine RENT that comes out four times a year, our newsletter that comes out twice a week, featured property pages that live on our website, and the ability to send out emails to members to say, “Hey, this amazing property just became available and I think it’s perfect for you.” Along with those marketing capabilities, you’ll have access to a dedicated agent we recommend that we know will take care of you. Really, from A to Z, everything that someone

would need to do in real estate, we have the connections to help do it. It sounds like AAOA has many realtors and brokers all over the country, not just in California, but the AAOA brokerage itself, at least for right now, is in California. Are there any plans to expand? We have a team that is dedicated just to dealing with the brokerage and expanding it in the way that our members are asking.

Although we have the contacts of brokers and agents across the country, there may be a time where we may have AAOA Properties Michigan or AAOA Properties Florida. All those things are on the table. If we find that our members are needing more hands-on assistance in some states, then we will absolutely 100% be open to expanding to other markets across the country. That’s great. Allen, I’m really

excited to have you on our team. And I’m really excited with everything the brokerage is doing. I do agree. It’s something that our members have been asking for, for so long. And we do have a really amazing network. If you’re listening to this, and you’re looking to invest, or you’re looking to sell your property, we have somebody for you who can help you list it, sell it, market it, and even do a 1031 exchange.

Absolutely. If it can happen in real estate, we’ve done it. You’re in good hands. We’ve been around for a long time and we’re here to listen and meet your real estate needs. If anybody wants to get in touch with the brokerage, where would be the best place for them to go? On there is a Solutions tab at the top that takes you to the Find a Real Estate Agent page.

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